The beneficial properties of the ancient Thai traditional massage technique have been known since antiquity. This treatment has its weight in the use of the fingers (and especially the thumbs) and the pressure exerted on specific energy lines Sen. Apart from the toes, of course, in the application of Thai Massage, the soles, knees, palms and elbows are also used equally.

The traditional Thai therapeutic massage aims to unlock the body, unblock the energy of the internal organs and reduce the pain and tension of the body.

Thai Massage helps fight arthritis, neck, epicondylitis, tendonitis and spine problems. Helps reduce headaches, migraines, stress and relieves emotional stress.

Thai massage helps us to decongest our body and eliminate the nervous and muscular tensions that exist, stimulating the immune system.

Massage at home

Absolute wellness and rejuvenation in your own space…

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